Aja Pierce Tablets

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Aja Pierce Tablets by Mind Map: Aja Pierce Tablets


1.1. http://bit.ly/coXYB5

1.2. Although it not as iPad stars as brilliant, but it is published with Apple's success in the operation in Tablet PC market and the long-term accumulation of Samsung in mobile phones field, Galaxy Tab has been concerned by a lot of users in the previous.

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2.1. http://bit.ly/99xdsg

2.2. A full HDMI port is included for video out, so there is no need to purchase some special micro cable. A full size USB host allows you to plugin keyboards and mice. Bluetooth 2.1 EDR is included, also with support for keyboards. A micro SD slot allows expansion up to 32 GB.

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4.1. http://bit.ly/aUqmc9

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4.2. The hook-up. iPad has WiFi, of course, but the really thrilling news is that it comes with no-contract, month-by-month, unlocked 3G service, available

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5.1. http://bit.ly/dxm4Xh

5.2. We’ve heard tons of rumors about RIM’s very first tablet, but nothing solid till now. Speculations claim it’ll be called the BlackPad, it’ll feature BB OS 6 and possibly serve as a companion for BlackBerry handsets. Its specs should include a 1 GHz CPU, a back and front camera, support for Flash 10.1 and a display that should be about 7 to 9.7 inches

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