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Santiago by Mind Map: Santiago

1. Family

1.1. He left his family so he could become a shepherd

1.2. He doesn't keep any contact to them after he has left his family

2. Love life

2.1. Crush to a merchant's daughter

2.2. Fatima

2.2.1. woman of the desert

3. Personality

3.1. Smart

3.1.1. Learns really fast

3.1.2. Speaks many languages

3.2. Brave

3.3. Friendly

3.3.1. Makes a lot of new friendships

3.4. Adventure-loving

3.5. Strong

4. Friends

4.1. An old king

4.2. An Englishman

4.3. Alchemist

4.4. Merchant

5. Interests

5.1. Travelling

5.2. Finding treasure