Why do tourists in Hawaii insist on not throwing their trash in the right container even if they ...

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Why do tourists in Hawaii insist on not throwing their trash in the right container even if they are aware that the ocean is polluted with lots of plastic garbage that has been causing some problems for marine life and other seabirds? por Mind Map: Why do tourists in Hawaii insist on not throwing their trash in the right container even if they are aware that the ocean is polluted with lots of plastic garbage that has been causing some problems for marine life and other seabirds?

1. Plan of action

1.1. Add some signs in public areas stating some littering laws that comes with penalties so that tourists would avoid littering as much as possible

1.2. Use biodegradable plastic so that we don't have to worry about it getting in the ocean since it will decompose naturally

1.3. Since it's imposible to clean up the garbage pactch in the ocean we could just raise awareness on plastic pollution having negative effects on marine creatures and we could start by gathering people to help clean the beaches here in hawaii so that it wouldn't get in our oceans.

1.4. Try to avoid buying more plastic products like bottles and recycle plastic by reusing the bottles or plastic containers that you already have

1.5. Add more trash bins in public places like parks and beaches so that tourists can find a container for their trash.

1.6. Add more life gaurds so that they can remind the tourists to throw away their trash in the bins.

2. Email

2.1. [email protected] password-hawaii808

3. Mission Statement

3.1. Motivation

3.1.1. Since we people are all responsible for the huge garbage patch that formed in the middle of the ocean that's been affecting marine life negatively, we would like to convince everyone to help us clean the ocean just by starting with each individual on managing their own trash so that it wouldn't contribute to the growth of the garbage patch.

3.2. Values

3.2.1. We value the life of our ocean including the marine animals living happily in their clean environments

3.3. Target Audience

3.3.1. tourists and people that didn't care about throwing their trash in the right container

3.3.2. People who are willing to help us clean our oceans

3.4. How

3.4.1. By telling tourist to stop throwing trash anywhere because its bad for us humans and animals. And we will post a video just to show those tourists to throw their trash in the garbage bins and how it effects our enviorment.

4. Vision Statement

4.1. Change in Hawaii's Communities beacause everyone is cleaning, managing their own trash the Great Pacific Garbage Patch wouldn't be growing any larger than it is. Marine life wouldn't be harmed.

5. links

5.1. Youtube

5.2. Facebook

5.3. Instagram

6. Tourists in Hawaii

6.1. Even if there are proper containers for the trash they still insist on throwing their trash anywhere

6.2. They contribute trash that's being added to the garbage patch

6.3. They didn't care about maintaining public areas clean from their trash

6.3.1. So the rain washes the trash and it ends up floating in the middle of the ocean

7. Trash and Plastics Garbage / Garbage Patch

7.1. Plastic soup - tiny pieces of plastic that floats on our ocean

7.2. Chemicals - toxic chemicals thats being released while the plastic breaks down

7.3. Many types of plastic debris - large amounts of plastic debris thats been trapping some marine animals

8. Pollution in the Ocean

8.1. Garbage Patches

8.1.1. Negative effects towards marine life

8.1.2. Messing up homes of fishes

8.1.3. Huge amounts of garbage accumulating under the ocean

8.1.4. Getting caught in gyres around the ocean

9. Marine Life and other Seabirds

9.1. Lots of sea birds, marine mammals and sea turtles die each year from trash related deaths

9.2. Plastic debris releasing toxic chemicals in the ocean that can be harmful to marine life

9.3. Millions of marine life and Sea birds die from People's Laziness

10. Effects towards people

10.1. People eating fish that's been exposed to trash with toxic chemicals

11. Causes

11.1. lack of a proper garbage collection system in the area and the presence of an improper disposal mechanism

11.2. Bad Habits of Tourists

11.2.1. Tourist littering at the beach not considering the possibility that it may contribute to the growth of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.