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Denise Herrera by Mind Map: Denise Herrera

1. I am strong , because I over came a mental illness.

1.1. What caused my mental illness was over use of drugs when I was younger I would take a lot because it was the thing to do. Then I mess up my brain and my perspective on life I was in la la land.

2. last year I was homeless

2.1. I tried getting a job but no one would hire a homeless 17 year old that smelled like cigs

2.2. What lead to me being homeless was me not behaving at my group home so they kicked out

3. when my mom when depressed i would take care of my baby sister and wouldnt go to school because no one else would take care of the baby

4. living the sober life

4.1. I never thought I would be able to live without cigs and weed I always had to be high or with a cigs in my hand

4.2. now the one thing i do is vape

5. i am self-motivated

5.1. I'm hoping that soon I can get a steady job and I get my own place to live

5.2. I go to the gym , I have goals set for myself

6. i have self control

6.1. I can say no to drugs now because my drugs use was really bad at point in my life

6.1.1. I didnt love myself at one point I just hated life and was in a self destruction mode