The first time that I learned to ride bicyclesby jose castro
1. Who did I ride bicycle with
2. I always rode bicycle with my best friend and other friends of the block then we liked to compete by the streets of our neigborhood but I wasn't very good to ride bicycle
3. Why I liked a lot of
4. all my anecdote of when I was kid, It's the that more like me because I remember that all at the weekends. we found to go out and compete with some of the people of other neigborhood
5. Where was my anecdote
6. my anecdote was in the city of cartagena, my neigborhood is named the campestre, It's a great place to live. then I lived there for nine years until that we moved to a new neigborhood.
7. What's the anecdote?
8. It's one of the anecdote, I will more remember to celebrate all my life and I believe that never the will forget
9. How did I learn?
10. The truth I learned to ride bicycles with my brother when I was eight years old. we lived in cartagena, in 1987. my brother is a very interesting person and of admire
11. When did I learn?
12. I learned to ride bicycle when I was eight then I liked a lot of it activity because I met pretty people of the city.