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Functions por Mind Map: Functions

1. Polynomial Unit 4

1.1. Equation: ax³+bx²+x

1.2. Solutions

1.2.1. real

1.2.2. nonreal

1.3. Types of polynomials

1.3.1. linear

1.3.2. quadratics

1.3.3. cubics

1.3.4. quartics

2. Rational Unit 6

2.1. Equation Example: f(x)= (3x+6)/(x-1)

2.2. Vocab

2.2.1. horizontal asymptote

2.2.2. vertical asymptote

2.2.3. hole

2.3. Objectives

2.3.1. Add, subtract, multiply, and divide rational expressions whose denominators are monomials or polynomial expressions in non-factored form.

2.3.2. Recognize a complex algebraic fraction, and simplify it as a quotient or product of simple algebraic fractions.

2.3.3. Solve equations containing rational algebraic expressions with monomial or binomial denominators algebraically and graphically.

3. imaginary numbers+

4. polynomials

4.1. an expression of more than two algebraic terms

4.2. Examples

4.2.1. (x⁷+2x⁴-5)*3x

4.2.2. (6x² +3x) ÷ (3x) it's possible to simplify this to 3x + 1

5. Quadratic Unit 2

5.1. Equation: ax²+bx+c

5.2. Solve by:

5.2.1. completing the square

5.2.2. factoring by groupimg greatest common factor zero product property

5.2.3. formula

5.3. Vocab

5.3.1. parabola

5.3.2. FOIL

5.3.3. discriminant

5.3.4. binomial

5.4. Objectives

5.4.1. 1. Recognize that the square root of -1 is represented as i.

5.4.2. 2. Simplify radical expressions containing negative rational numbers and express in a + bi form.

6. binomials

6.1. a mathematical expression with two terms

6.2. examples:

6.2.1. 3x+5

6.2.2. x²-y²

6.3. adding binomials

6.3.1. (5x+3y) + (4x+7y) = 9x+10y

6.3.2. combine like terms