Deaf Tallis website

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Deaf Tallis website 作者: Mind Map: Deaf Tallis website

1. Creative Media

1.1. Students' Blogs

2. Sign Language

3. Home

3.1. Our Team

3.2. Policies

3.3. Documents

4. Students' Work

4.1. Top Projects

4.2. Humanities

4.3. English

4.4. Reading Club

4.5. Other Work

5. Events

5.1. Trips

5.1.1. Cudham

5.1.2. Blackboys

5.2. DSC 10th Anniversary

5.3. Life & Deaf

5.4. BDA Learn to Sign Week

6. Videos

6.1. videos made by students

6.2. modified videos with in-vision signing

6.3. filmed assemblies

6.4. Tallis TV clips

7. Photos

7.1. Flickr slideshows

7.2. single photos

8. Policies

8.1. Communication Policy

8.2. Audiology Policy

8.3. Teaching and Learning Policy

9. Students' statements