the great depression

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the great depression by Mind Map: the great depression

1. extremely high taxes was also a contributing factor in the great depression.

2. thousands of banks failed.

3. major drought which made the "dust bowl"

4. america had economic problems with european nations.

5. dear coach baker, i understand what your are going through. it is perfectly fine if you want to come up with projects/assignments that just use time, BUT, if you want to use software that is USELESS and inefficient then i will retaliate. coach baebae, i admit it. social studies is not my strongest subject (science is) but even my neanderthal brain knows that no one will learn anything from doing this project. i have learned more from doing the DBQ than this project. due to the constant crashing, and the fact that i got ddosed just slows me down tremendously. although i am still going to attempt to get a decent grade on this, i got mad at this and probably messed up alot. ~~~~~Evan Harper

5.1. PS: i did get mad so i didnt even care if it is all wrong. no offense

5.2. please for future assignments just make paper copies that work even if you get ddosed.

5.2.1. being "ddosed" is when someone gets your IP address and makes your internet have to load as much stuff from the internet as possible. in other words, hacker make computer not work and explode.

6. wall street got rekt too i guess...........

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7.1. New node

7.1.1. New node

8. there was a major stock market crash which REKT the economy.

9. farmers were producing crops more than consumers could consume.

10. there was an uneven distribution of income in industries so workers couldnt buy products.

11. there was alot of debt because of loans.

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12.1. too big of an economy in the 1920s

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