The Effects of Social Media on Young Adolescence Girls

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The Effects of Social Media on Young Adolescence Girls by Mind Map: The Effects of Social Media on Young Adolescence Girls

1. texting

1.1. facebool

1.1.1. instagram twitter

1.2. cyberbullying

1.2.1. lower grades body image

2. social skills

2.1. self-efficaies

2.1.1. self-esteem

2.1.2. percetion communication

3. physical and mental

3.1. poor sleep

3.1.1. depression suicide

4. education

4.1. regulation

4.1.1. prevention programs

4.2. parents and teachers

4.2.1. guidance

5. end results

5.1. emotional detachment

5.1.1. end of face-to face

6. cost of social attributes