Students as Learners

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Students as Learners by Mind Map: Students as Learners

1. Traditional Educators

1.1. Controlled release of information/limited sources

1.2. single tasks

1.3. Text before picture/sound/video

1.4. students work independently before networking/interactions

1.5. teach "just in case"

1.6. deferred gratification and delayed rewards

1.7. teach to the curriculum guide and tests

2. Digital Learners

2.1. Receive information quickly, multiple media sources

2.2. multi-tasking/parallel processing

2.3. process pictures/sounds/color/video before text

2.4. networking simultaneously with others

2.5. learning "just in time"

2.6. instant gratification/immediate rewards

2.7. learning that is relevant/active/instantly useful/fun


4. Highlight

4.1. Newone node

4.2. New node