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CROR-Authority by Mind Map: CROR-Authority

1. Cancel

1.1. Transmit

1.2. Readback

1.3. Validation

1.4. De-Blocking

1.5. Store/Archieve

1.6. Agreement with other RTC

1.7. Alarm

1.8. Paritial Cancel

1.9. Error reporting

1.10. Logging

2. Create

2.1. Limit selection

2.2. Validation

2.3. Blocking

2.4. Transmit

2.5. Readback

2.6. Complete

2.7. Overlap

2.8. Override

2.9. Supersede

2.10. Logging

2.11. Store/Archieve

2.12. Negotiate

2.13. Agreement with other RTC

2.14. Alarm

2.15. Error reporting

3. Modify

3.1. Transmit

3.2. Readback

3.3. Alarm

3.4. Error Reporting

3.5. Logging

4. Configuration

4.1. Overlapping count

4.2. Approved range

4.3. Late Release threshold

4.4. Logging