Search engines

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Search engines by Mind Map: Search engines

1. Search engines and services

1.1. Google

1.2. Yahoo

1.3. Bing

1.4. Ask

1.5. Seznam

2. SEM

2.1. 3 main areas

2.1.1. – Web directories

2.1.2. Full text search engines

2.1.3. Pay-per-click search engines (PPC)

2.2. One of the ways to promote web site

3. Searching

3.1. 1

3.1.1. Word

3.1.2. Phrase ““

3.1.3. To exclude the word -

3.2. 2

3.2.1. Limitation to a domain: site

3.2.2. Limitation to the type of document: filetype

3.3. 3

3.3.1. Restriction to the document intitle allintitle inurl allinurl intext allintext

4. SEO

4.1. To optimize websites

4.2. Relationship of content to keywords

4.3. as multiple disciplines

4.3.1. Webdesign

4.3.2. coding, programming, server configuration

4.3.3. Copywriting

4.3.4. Marketing

4.3.5. Analytics, Statistics

5. Competitive Analysis

5.1. GTPR

5.2. Links from/to website

5.3. Area of interest

5.4. Quality of content