Downloading Musics and Movies Illegally

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Downloading Musics and Movies Illegally by Mind Map: Downloading Musics and Movies Illegally

1. Causes

1.1. Price of albums and original movie copies are rising.

1.1.1. Purchasing a large number of music albums and movies might not be affordable for some of the people especially those without income.

1.2. Convenience.

1.2.1. People will just have to sit in front of their computer screens and wait for downloads to be completed, without having to go out or using money.

1.3. The value of those media aren't high enough to make people feel worth buying it.

1.3.1. People want to be able to "test" the musics and movies to see if they like it or not before considering to buy it or not.

2. Effects

2.1. Musics and movie producers cannot earn profit from selling CDs.

2.1.1. When people download musics and movies illegally, this means that they are not paying for the content.

2.2. The whole marketing will evolve.

2.2.1. Downloading media illegally will change the way the media industry changes. Slowly changing in the form of software instead of hardware. For example, iTunes, Spotify, etc.

2.3. lo