1. Video
1.1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knfcqpGUkek
2. Poll
2.1. http://booroo.com/app/showpoll.asp?sid=0lt2q2osvyew18h639&qid=639
2.2. http://booroo.com/app/showpoll.asp?sid=j7e6w0hgmd29wjn640&qid=640
2.3. http://booroo.com/app/showpoll.asp?sid=wtb2ez5tf7u0c8m641&qid=641
2.4. http://booroo.com/app/showpoll.asp?sid=psc099simyj101p642&qid=642
2.5. http://booroo.com/app/showpoll.asp?sid=u2f5w9wr4pog8uw643&qid=643
3. Your Thoughts and Critique
3.1. General Thoughts
3.1.1. IT can be a good attention-grabber. It can sustain students' interest. It can be a good source of motivation.
3.1.2. Using IT to deliver lessons offers students learning through multiple modes. caters to different learning styles of students
3.1.3. IT gives students opportunities for collaboration and independent learning. collaborative learning through interaction enables students to learn more
3.1.4. Planning a lesson using IT requires a lot of preparation and back-up plans in case of technical problems.
3.1.5. IT provides opportunities for students to 'travel' beyond the classroom raises cultural awareness increases world knowledge
3.2. Critique on Master Plan 3
3.2.1. Positive Students are required to learn various literacy skills to effectively utilise ICT. Critical literacy Visual literacy Cultural literacy Encourages educators to constantly upgrade and keep up with advancements in technology and teaching approaches. provides exposure to new teaching approaches
3.2.2. Negative Infrastructure-wise, many schools are still not sufficiently equipped or given support. If the objectives of Master Plan 1 & 2 have not been met, the objectives of Master Plan 3 might be too ambitious. Some teachers may be resistent to using IT or may not be familiar with the tools. Education policies might or might not change teachers' perceptions and attitudes. teachers may have to attend courses to widen their knowledge on the use of IT tools It widens the gap between IT-savvy students and those with poor IT skills or do not have computers at home. collaborative learning may help to overcome this problem
4. Overview
4.1. IT Masterplan 1
4.1.1. Provision of basic ICT infrastructure
4.1.2. Equipping teachers with a basic level of ICT integration competency
4.2. IT Masterplan 2
4.2.1. Establishing baseline ICT standards for students
4.2.2. Strengthening the integration of ICT into the curriculum
4.2.3. Seeding innovative use of ICT among schools
4.3. IT Masterplan 3
4.3.1. Students possess competencies for self-directed and collaborative learning through the effective use of ICT Competencies in technology literacy, Higher-order thinking skills & life and collaboration skills
4.3.2. Teachers have the capacity to tailor and deliver ICT-enabled learning experiences for students to develop these competencies Have quizzes or tests that are customized to an individual student
4.3.3. School leaders provide the direction and create the conditions to harness ICT for teaching and learning
4.3.4. The ICT infrastructure that supports teaching and learning anywhere, anytime - wireless internet access, piloting 1-notebook-to-1-pupil ratio in more schools, and higher data bandwidth to the Internet
5. Our Critique
5.1. Positive
5.1.1. Help students with special needs especially students with physical disabilities
5.1.2. Make lessons more interesting and dynamic teachers can leverage of ICT tools that can help to complement their lessons
5.1.3. Capture student's attention and sustain thier interest students will be more motivated and attentive
5.1.4. Keep up with technology and generation of digital natives
5.1.5. student can learn independently and collaboratively at the same time passive students can contribute effectively as well
5.1.6. wide range of online ICT tools that can be used for teaching and benefit the teachers
5.2. Negative
5.2.1. Cyber-bullying and social issues affects communication and social skills with their peers when learning independently need to spend time addressing cyber-bullying issues
5.2.2. Inconsistent technical/IT support some school's server are very slow and do not update their classroom desktops
5.2.3. Additional Workload teach the students how to operate ICT tools on top of the curriculum To find and create ICT resources that suit the curriculum and the learning styles of students, At the end of the day, it is still pen and paper examination
5.2.4. Time consuming may take a longer time getting familiar with ICT tools such as data loggers and PDA, teachers are not able to finish syllabus takes more time to prepare because resources are not readily available.
5.2.5. Unwillingness to use ICT resist ICT because of unfamiliarity with technology or unwillingness to try something new
5.2.6. Ineffective use of ICT Technology may not serve to enhance learner's understanding or help achieve learning outcomes