19th c. Nationalism & Revolutions

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19th c. Nationalism & Revolutions by Mind Map: 19th c. Nationalism & Revolutions

1. French Revolution Aftershocks

1.1. Universal Male Sufferage

1.2. Charles X

1.3. Louis Philippe

2. 19th Century Revolts

2.1. April Uprising

2.2. Belgium Revolution

2.3. Polish Insurrection

3. Italian Unification

3.1. Kingdom

3.2. Giuseppe Garibaldi

3.3. Liberal Dominance

4. German Unification

4.1. German Confederation

4.2. Prussia

4.3. Frankfurt Assembly

5. 19th Century Science

5.1. Charles Darwin

5.2. Louis Pastuer

5.3. Natural Selection

6. Liberalism

6.1. Bill of Rights

6.2. Democracy

6.3. Constitution

7. Nationalism

7.1. National Loyalty

7.2. United Germany

7.3. Equal Group-States

8. Socialism

8.1. Utopian Society

8.2. Robert Owen

8.3. Societal Production

9. Romanticism

9.1. Beethoven

9.2. Nathaniel Hawthorne

9.3. Eugene Delacroix

10. Realism

10.1. Charles Dickens

10.2. Gustave Courbet

10.3. Mark Twain