Principal-Agent Relationship

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Principal-Agent Relationship by Mind Map: Principal-Agent Relationship

1. Agents duties to the principal

2. Principals duties to Agent

3. Types of Agent authority

4. Performance: reasonable diligence and skill (special skills)

5. Notification to Principal

6. Loyalty

7. Compensation

8. Cooperation

9. Provide safe working conditions.

10. Actual

11. Apparent

12. Implied

13. Express

14. Inferred or conferred by custom, Agent’s position or what is reasonably necessary to carry out Agent’s express authority.

15. Written or Oral

16. Principal, by either word or act, causes 3rd party to reasonably believe that Agent has authority to act for Principal, by either word or act, causes 3rd party to reasonably believe that Agent has authority to act for Principal

17. Termination of Agent

18. Lapse of time

19. Purpose achieved

20. Occurrence of a Specific Event

21. Termination by One Party

22. Mutaul Agreement

23. 2. Principal must affirm entire deal.

24. Agency Relationships

25. Employee versus Contractor Relationship

26. How agency relationships are formed

27. Understanding agency is crucial to understanding the legal environment of business.

28. Principals use agents to be able to conduct multiple business operations simultaneously in various locations.

29. The principal has the right to control the agent in matters entrusted to the agent.

30. Consensual Agreement

31. Agency by Agreement.

32. Agency by Ratification

33. Agency by Estoppel

34. Agency by Operation of Law

35. Ramification

36. 1. Agent must act on behalf of Principal.

37. 3. Principal must affirm before 3rd party withdraws from transaction.

38. 4.Principal and 3rd party must have legal capacity to contract when Agent made the deal.

39. 5. Principals must know all the material facts involved in the transaction.

40. Determining whether the worker is an employee or an independent contract affects liability of Principal/Employer

41. Employee Status and “Works for Hire.”