Abnormal Psych

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Abnormal Psych by Mind Map: Abnormal Psych

1. Perosnality Disorders

1.1. antisocial personality disorder

1.1.1. little regard for others' feelings

1.2. dependent personality disorder

1.2.1. rely heavily on help and attention of others

1.3. paranoid personality disorder

1.3.1. feel persecuted by others

1.4. narcissistic personality disorder

1.4.1. feel the world revolves around them

1.5. histrionic personality disorder

1.5.1. overly dramatic

1.6. obsessive compulsive personality disorder

1.6.1. overly concerned with certain thoughts or behaviors

1.7. maladaptive ways of thinking

2. Post-traumatic stress disorder

2.1. flashbacks or nightmares of a trauma (war, severe accident)

3. Autism spectrum disorder

3.1. seeking less social and emotional contact

3.2. hypersensitive to stimuli

4. Neuro-cognitive disorders

4.1. Alzheimers

4.1.1. forms of dementia, deterioration of cognitive abilities

4.1.2. dramatic loss of memory

5. Depressive Disorders

5.1. Mood or affective disorder

5.1.1. extreme, inappropriate emotions

5.2. Unipolar depression

5.2.1. Depressed for a period of tiem without clear reason

5.2.2. Loss of apetite, fatigue, change in sleeping patterns, lack of interest, worthlessness

5.3. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

5.3.1. Depression caused by a certain time of the year (usually winter)

5.4. Bipolar and related disorders

5.4.1. both depressed and manic episodes

5.4.2. engage in risky, poorly thought out behavior during manic episodes

5.5. Etiology

5.5.1. Psychoanalytic Anger directed inward Loss during early psychosexual stages Overly punitive (harsh) superego

5.5.2. Cognitive Overly negative ideas about themselves, their world, their futures (Cog triad)

5.5.3. Cog/Behavioral Learned helplessness Feeling unable to control the situation

5.5.4. Biological Low levels of serotonin High levels of acetylcholine Low levels of norepinephrine genetically predisposed

6. Somatic Symptom and Related disorders

6.1. Conversion Disorder

6.1.1. Report blindness, paralysis without any biological problem

6.2. manifests as a physiological problem

6.3. Absence of identifiable physical cause

6.4. Etiology

6.4.1. Psychoanalytic Conflict between Id, Ego, Superego

6.4.2. Behavioral Reinforced by behaviors

7. Dissociative Disorders

7.1. dissociative amnesisa

7.1.1. cannot remember things

7.1.2. no physiological reason why

7.2. dissociative identity disorder (DID)

7.2.1. a person has multiple personalities

7.2.2. different sexes, ages, often opposite of one another

7.3. Etiology

7.3.1. Psychoanalytic Trauma repressed that it splits into several consciouses

7.3.2. Behavioral Prefers to not think about it (rewarding), so amnesia occurs

8. Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder

8.1. trouble paying attention and sitting still

9. Feeding/Eating Disorders

9.1. anorexia nervosa

9.1.1. low weight for ones age

9.1.2. fear of food/eating

9.1.3. distorted body image

9.2. bulimia

9.2.1. throwing up fod after eating

9.2.2. binge-purge cycle

9.3. obesity

9.3.1. binge eating

10. Paraphilia or Psychosexual disorder

10.1. attraction to an object, action, person that is not seen as sexual

10.2. fetishes

10.3. much higher in men than in women

11. Anxiety Disorders

11.1. Phobias

11.1.1. Intense, unwarranted fear of a situation claustrophobia agoraphobia arachnaphobia social anxiety (phobia)

11.2. Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

11.2.1. low level of constant anxiety

11.2.2. constantly feeling nervous

11.3. Panic disorder

11.3.1. episodes of acute, intense anxiety

11.3.2. without provocation

11.3.3. panic attacks- fear of more panic attacks

11.4. Etiollogy

11.4.1. psychoanalytic Id vs. Ego vs. Superego conflict

11.4.2. behavioral Learned/Conditioned behaviors from the past

11.4.3. cognitive dysfunctional thoughts or ways of thinking

12. Definition

12.1. Study of people who suffer from Psychological disorders

12.2. Maladaptive to person

12.3. Disturbing to others

12.4. Unusual, atypical

12.5. irrational, unjustifiable

12.6. depends on timing

13. Schizophrenic Disorders

13.1. delusions

13.1.1. delusions of persecution people are out to get you

13.1.2. delusions of grandeur belief that you have greater power and influence than you actually do

13.2. hallucinations

13.2.1. perceptions in the absence of sensory stimulation

13.3. neologisms

13.3.1. make up their own words

13.3.2. dang associations (words that rhyme)

13.4. inappropriate effect

13.4.1. laughing at the wrong time

13.4.2. showing no emotions whatsoever

13.5. catatonia

13.5.1. motor problem

13.5.2. remain motionless in weird positions waxy flexibility

13.5.3. jerky movements

13.6. Etiology

13.6.1. biological dopamine hypothesis (high levels) enlarged brain ventricles genetic predisposition

13.6.2. cog/behavioral double blind, given contradictory messages diathesis stress model environmental stressors that make biological factors express themselves

14. Substance related and addictive behaviors

14.1. gambling

14.2. different drugs/alcohol

15. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

15.1. persistent, unwarranted thoughts of a certain action (normally cleanliness)

15.2. results in anxiety until action can be performed