Hostory of discovery of Metals

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Hostory of discovery of Metals by Mind Map: Hostory of discovery of Metals

1. Discovery metals from 4000BC to 2000BC

1.1. Extracted by heating the ore

1.1.1. Lead

1.2. Extracted by heating with base compound

1.2.1. Tin

2. Discovery metals from 500BC to 500AT

2.1. Extracted by electrolysis

2.1.1. aluminium

3. Discovery metals from 6000BC to 4000BC

3.1. Extracted by Physcial methods

3.1.1. Gold

3.1.2. Silver

3.2. Extracted by heating the ore

3.2.1. Copper

4. Discovery metals from 2000BC to 500BC

4.1. Extracted by heating the ore with high temperature

4.1.1. iron

4.1.2. Mercury