Collective Action
by Shaun Stehly

1. Garrett Hardin
1.1. "The Tragedy of the Commons"
1.1.1. Prisoner’s Dilemma Game
1.1.2. In class most people agreed that without a prize (or when the prize is something you're not interested in) that it is easier to reach cooperate-cooperate strategies.
1.1.3. Many of Axelrod's "Conditions fro Human Cooperation" came into play during our PD experiment
2. Robert Axelrod
2.1. "Three Conditions for Human Cooperation"
2.1.1. i. A likelihood of meeting in the future
2.1.2. ii. An ability to identify each other
2.1.3. iii. A record of past behavior
3. Elinor Ostrom
3.1. "Governing the Commons"
3.1.1. Design Principles
3.1.3. Social Media interpretations of Ostrom's Desgin principles