Manage Program Flow

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Manage Program Flow by Mind Map: Manage Program Flow

1. Implement Program Flow

1.1. Working boolean Expressions

1.1.1. >,<, <=, >=, ==,!=

1.1.2. OR(II), AND(&&), XOR(^)

1.2. Making Decisions

1.2.1. Iterating across collections For While Do While Foreach

1.2.2. If

1.2.3. switch

1.2.4. Null-coalescing operator (??)

1.2.5. Conditional operator (?:)

1.2.6. Jump Statements break continue goto

2. Create and implement events and callbacks

2.1. Understanding delegates

2.1.1. Covariance and Contravariance

2.2. Using Lambda Expressions

2.2.1. Action Type

2.3. Using Events

2.3.1. Publish-Subscribe pattern

2.3.2. Event

2.3.3. EventHandler

2.3.4. EventArgs

2.3.5. Add, Remove, Lock

2.3.6. GetInvocationList

3. Implement multithreading and asynchronous processing

3.1. Understand Threads

3.1.1. Thread.Join

3.1.2. Thread.Sleep

3.1.3. Background x Foreground

3.1.4. ParameterizedThreadStart

3.1.5. ThreadStatic

3.1.6. ThreadLocal<T>

3.1.7. Thread.CurrentThread

3.1.8. ThreadPools

3.1.9. ThreadClass

3.1.10. Thread.Abort

4. Using Tasks

4.1. TaskScheduler

4.2. Thread.Wait

4.3. Task<T>

4.4. ContinueWith

4.5. AttachamentToParent

4.6. TaskFactory

4.7. WaitAll

4.8. WaitAny

5. Using the parallel class

5.1. For, ForEach and Invoke

5.2. Break or Stop

6. Using aync and await

6.1. SyncronizationContext

7. Using PLINQ

7.1. AsOrdered

7.2. AsSequential

7.3. ForAll

7.4. AgregationException

8. Using Concurrent Colletions

8.1. Blocking Colletions

8.2. Concurrent Bag

8.3. Concurrent Dictionary

8.4. Concurrent Queue

8.5. Concurrent Stack