Explore the ways in which Shakespeare makes this dramatic and significant moment in the play.

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Explore the ways in which Shakespeare makes this dramatic and significant moment in the play. by Mind Map: Explore the ways in which Shakespeare makes this dramatic and significant moment in the play.

1. Yes, to smell pork" - sarcastic, the hatred between the religions is dramatic, Shylock has a specific idea of what he wants, in the public. his strong faith

2. "I will feed fat the ancient grudge I bear him" - foreshadowing, violent imagery and "ancient" religion. Changing into blank verse to show private hatred

3. All in prose - money (business) we are entering mid conversation negotiation of the loan

4. "Antonio shall be bound"

4.1. repetition

4.2. double meaning

5. shylock's hatred

6. "Antonio is a good man"

6.1. sarcastic as he hates him

6.2. he will be bale to pay him back as he is rich

6.3. not morally good

6.4. Shylocks priority

6.5. "sufficient"

6.6. Antonio knows business