Torsades de Pointes

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Torsades de Pointes by Mind Map: Torsades de Pointes

1. a specific form of polymorphic ventricular tachycardia occurring in the context of QT prolongation

1.1. it has a characteristic morphology in which the QRS complexes “twist” around the isoelectric line

2. The ventricular rate can range from 150 beats per minute (bpm) to 250 bpm

3. the use of group IA antidysrhythmic drugs, which tend to prolong the QT interval, can have disastrous consequences in torsade

4. Torsades de pointes is associated with a prolonged QT interval

5. Torsades is a life-threatening arrhythmia

6. Signs and Sypmtoms

6.1. Palpitations

6.2. Dizziness

6.3. Lightheadedness

6.4. Fainting

6.5. Sudden Cardiac Death

7. Causes

7.1. Low Magnesium

7.2. Diarrhea

7.3. Low Blood Potassium

8. Treatment

8.1. IV Atropine

8.2. Isoproterenol Infusion

8.3. IV Magnesium Sulfate