Legal Research

Traditional and Computer Legal Research

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Legal Research by Mind Map: Legal Research

1. Traditional Print Law Libraries

1.1. Bound books in paper form

1.1.1. Case Reporters

1.1.2. Legal Encyclopedias

1.1.3. Legal Dictionaries/Thesaurus

1.1.4. "Finding Tools"

2. Internet Resources

2.1. Findlaw

2.2. All Law

2.3. Hieros Gamos

2.4. LawCrawler

2.5. LLI at Cornell Law School

2.6. Government Sites

3. KEY - click circle

4. Online Law Libraries

4.1. Westlaw

4.2. LexisNexis

4.3. Loislaw

4.4. VersusLaw

5. Cite Checking

5.1. Shepard's

5.2. KeyCite

5.3. GlobalCite