1. Mac OS X
1.1. Pros:
1.1.1. Bot Time to usable desktop: 16.3 seconds. Pretty speed.
1.1.2. once your done the partitioning, it’s an attractive installence your done the partitioning, it’s an attractive installe
1.2. Cons:
1.2.1. Oerating System is not already installed)
1.2.2. Not recommend installing this one on your own, unless you know what you are doing!
2. Chromium OS
2.1. Pros:
2.1.1. Building their own versions
2.1.2. Currently also provides a calculator, clock, battery indicator, and network status indicator.
2.2. Cons:
2.2.1. Will not be updated automatically.
2.2.2. Because the only application on the device will be a browser incorporating a media player, [ 3 ] [ 7 ] Google Chrome OS is aimed at users who spend most of their computer time on the Internet
3. Operating System Definition
3.1. is software, consisting of programs and data, that runs on computers and manages the computer hardware and provides common services
4. Windows 7
4.1. Pros:
4.1.1. Es extermely fácil de usar para una instalación básica.
4.1.2. Es el mejor para los principiantes.
4.2. Cons:
4.2.1. Boot Time:Is still taking a long time to load.
4.2.2. La falta de una memoria caché de arranque decente retrasa considerablemente el inicio.
5. Ubuntu 10.10
5.1. Pros:
5.1.1. Very speedy, and good boot design implemented here. Diseño muy de arranque rápido,
5.1.2. Presenta opciones para añadir el reproductor Adobe Flash y la reproducción de música MP3
5.2. Cons:
5.2.1. Si no se selecciona para instalar este software en un principio, se puede dejar preguntarse por qué nuestra música no está jugando o Youtube no está funcionando.
5.2.2. Limita la cantidad de espacio que se utiliza para la música, vídeos, o por los directorios home de usuarios.