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IRM - Editors by Mind Map: IRM - Editors

1. Compliance

1.1. CIL tools

1.2. Anonimization

1.3. SMSI

1.3.1. DPCIA

1.3.2. EvalSMSI

2. Data classification

2.1. DigitalGuardian

2.2. Microsoft Data Classification Toolkit

3. Reporting

3.1. IBM - Workplace for Business Controls and Reporting 

3.2. Netwrix

4. Fraud

4.1. Event analysis

4.2. Machine learning

4.3. Behavioral biometrics

5. Awareness

5.1. LMS & MOC

5.1.1. Growth engineering

5.1.2. Ganesha

5.1.3. Tin Can API

5.1.4. expertus

5.2. Trainning

5.2.1. 360 learning

5.2.2. storyline

5.2.3. Apowersoft

5.2.4. Camtasia studio

5.2.5. Momindum

5.3. Video

5.3.1. Powtoon

5.3.2. Go Animate

5.3.3. webinaria

5.3.4. Wistia

5.4. Collaboration

5.4.1. powerVote

5.4.2. Magency Digital

5.4.3. Questback

5.4.4. Dapulse

5.5. Animation

5.5.1. projeqt

5.5.2. Iginte

5.5.3. Picktochart

5.5.4. Slides

5.6. Gamification

5.6.1. Openbadges

5.6.2. Badgeville

5.6.3. Playbasis

5.7. User interraction

6. GRC

6.1. RSA Archer eGRC BlueSuite Brainwave Bwise GRC Callio-Secura Easy2comply EnablonRM Entropy FIDENS EGERIE Risk Manager Front GRC Gesttic Or In4Risk ISMart ISOSystemPlus IsoVision JKT9000 Kleverware IAG ManageISMS MEGA MetricStream GRC OpenPages Optimiso Profisse RealISMS RSA Archer eGRC RSSI-Pilote RVR Score PDCA ISM Self-Expert SGSI STREAM Verinice

7. BCP / Crisis management

7.1. BCP

7.2. Crisis management

7.2.1. Mission Mode

7.2.2. Code Blue

7.2.3. Alcatel Automated Message Delivery System (AMDS)

7.2.4. Everbridge Emergency Notification

7.2.5. F24 Alert

7.2.6. MIR 3 - IntelligentNotification

7.2.7. Prevensia

8. Incident management

8.1. I-Sight

8.2. D3 security

8.3. ABM - Incident management software

8.4. Resilient systems (just acquired by IBM)