Feminist explanation of crime

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Feminist explanation of crime by Mind Map: Feminist explanation of crime

1. They argued that women are used to benifit the captalist economy

1.1. Hartmann (1981)argued that patriarchy and econmics both play a crutial role in explaining and understanding gender equality

2. Marxist

2.1. Marxist feminists built on the work on the liberals

2.1.1. Although they argued that more fundamental changes were needed

2.2. Benson (1972)focused on the economic aspects of gender inequalities

3. Postmodern

3.1. postmodern feminism can be seen as out of date

3.1.1. Although to date postmodern feminism is more complicated that simply what man and women want

3.2. postmodern view that thay live in a media saturated society

4. Liberal

4.1. Friedan (1963) are associated with the belief that gender inequality is a product of general inequality in society which have allowed to proceed unchallanged for centuries

4.2. They do not blame anyone or anything for this but they look to move the barriers between men and women

4.2.1. They have been supported by such acts as the equal pay act, Sex decrimination act and education reform act

4.3. They are largely supportive of ideas such as positive descrimination, but would not want to extend womens rite beyonds men.

4.4. Their ideas were hugly influential in challenging male dominance in society from th 1960's onwards

5. Radical

5.1. foreground patriarchy in explaining gender inequality between men and women

5.2. Millet (1971) disagreed with the biological argument and argued that patricachy was not ascribed but socially created therefore capable of beeing changed and disconsructed

5.3. They have been allowed to control women in both personal and public spheres, hence the situation of extreme inequality

5.4. Associated with the term 'The persona is the political'

5.4.1. Also known to see men as potential rapists