by Kirsti Slettevoll
1. Leadership
1.1. Model collaborative learning
1.2. Model transperancy
1.3. Develop strategies and plans
1.4. Detect and support best practice
1.5. Assess strategy and results
2. Best practice
2.1. Stimulate exploration
2.2. Detect and exhibit
2.3. Support, praise piloting, even small progress
2.4. Make systems for sharing, showing
2.5. Show, discuss
3. Infrastructure
3.1. net capacity
3.2. net stability
3.3. mobile units
4. Tools
4.1. Web 2.0
4.2. LMS
4.3. OneNote, Skydrive
5. Government policies
5.1. Exams
5.2. Curriculum
5.2.1. Generell læreplan - digital citizenship
6. Pedagogy
6.1. Learning a process
6.2. Scaffolding
6.2.1. Differntiated learning processes
6.3. The student as producer
6.4. The student as participant
6.5. The student as entrepreneur
6.5.1. Ownership to goals