NBA Franchise Value & Social Media Presence

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NBA Franchise Value & Social Media Presence by Mind Map: NBA Franchise Value & Social Media Presence

1. Social Media

1.1. Platoforms

1.1.1. Monetary Value of Twitter Followers

1.1.2. Twitter vs Facebook

1.2. Global Engagement

1.3. Allows Fans To Be Involved

1.3.1. Interactivity With Players & Teams

1.3.2. Live Connectivity International Viewers

2. Fan Engagement

2.1. Video Games

2.1.1. NBA 2k Franchise Creating a player

2.1.2. Mobile Based Games

2.1.3. Video Of Evolution Of NBA Video Games

2.2. Fantasy Sports

2.2.1. Draftkings/Fan Duel

2.3. Technology

2.3.1. Audio Scope

2.3.2. Motion Tracking

2.3.3. NBA Replay Center

2.3.4. Advanced Data Collection

2.4. Television

2.4.1. NBA League Pass

2.4.2. App Based Viewing

2.4.3. Advanced Graphics

2.4.4. Special Access Reports

3. Franchise Value

3.1. Brand Connections

3.1.1. Athlete's Being Sponsored

3.1.2. Collaborations

3.2. My Data


3.2.2. My Findings

3.3. Media Hubs

3.3.1. New NBA Media Deal

3.4. Stadiums