Geometric Figures

The goal is to give people a better understanding of geometric figures and their termonology.

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Geometric Figures by Mind Map: Geometric Figures

1. Angles

1.1. Complementary

1.2. Supplementary

1.3. Acute Angle

1.4. Right Angle

1.5. Obtuse Angle

2. Polygons

2.1. Convex

2.2. Concave

2.3. Regular Polygons

2.4. Irregular Ploygons

3. Planes

3.1. Half Plane

3.2. Parallel Planes

3.3. Intersecting Planes

3.4. Perpendicular Planes

4. Polyhedra

4.1. Faces

4.2. Vertices

4.3. Edges

4.4. Regular Polyhedra

4.5. Semiregular Polyhedra

5. Space Figures

5.1. Pyramids

5.1.1. Oblique Pyramid

5.1.2. Apex

5.2. Prisms

5.2.1. Oblique Prism

5.3. Cones

5.3.1. Oblique Cone

5.4. Cylinder

5.4.1. Oblique Cylinder