Reasons why teaching

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Reasons why teaching by Mind Map: Reasons why teaching

1. Good times and fun are around you all the time

2. Helping Others

3. Getting Fun

4. Changing Minds

5. Solving Problems

6. As part of the student you become able in resolving not just doubts or class problems, also personal issues

7. Becoming a Confident

8. You touch the lives where you pass and they trust you

9. Keeping UP

10. You are full of energy and try to continue besides of emotions

11. Humans need other so you feel great helping other

12. Always Learning

13. We get information from studens in every aspect they are related to

14. Feeling Alive

15. As part of human interactions you can make the difference

16. Having Interactions

17. Communication in everything you do, this help you to understand better other

18. Practiving Values

19. The spirit of children or teenager give some relief and satisfaction

20. Your own values are tested all the time due to situations you have to face