Work Breakdown Structure
by heidi giffin
1. Analyze project
1.1. research original method
1.2. decide what content to use
1.3. effective delivery
1.4. creating a user friendly site
1.5. how to approach project
1.6. define needs/goals
2. Deliverables
2.1. How to reach people
2.2. prototypes
2.3. samples
2.4. system/software
2.5. graphic content
2.6. design plans
3. Management Activies
3.1. schedule future meetings with Pedro, Jennie and Clark
3.2. review budget
3.3. plan timeline
3.4. delegate duties
3.5. identify stakeholders
3.6. responsibility/accountability
3.7. communication plan
3.8. budget/spending plan
3.9. cost estimates
3.10. resource estimates
3.11. description of project scope
3.12. consensus
4. Testing the project
4.1. Decide who case study will involve
4.2. how long study will last
4.3. when will study start
4.4. strategy for testing
4.5. test of deliverables