European Security and Defense Policy

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European Security and Defense Policy by Mind Map: European Security and Defense Policy

1. EU Battlegroup

1.1. a military unit

1.2. intended to be deployed on the ground within 5–10 days of approval from the Council.

1.2.1. must be sustainable for at least 30 days, which could be extended to 120 days, if resupplied.

1.3. designed to deal with those tasks faced by the Common Security and Defence Policy, namely the Petersberg tasks (military tasks of a humanitarian, peacekeeping and peacemaking nature).

1.4. have enough range to deal with all those tasks,

1.4.1. such tasks ought to be limited in "size and intensity" due to the small nature of the groups

1.5. missions may include conflict prevention, evacuation, aid deliverance or initial stabilisation

2. European Union Institute for Security Studies

2.1. a Paris-based agency of the European Union

2.2. evolved from Western European Union Institute for Security Studies following a gradual transfer of powers from the Western European Union (WEU) to the EU

2.3. contribute to the development of the CFSP, in particular the CSDP, in coherence with the European Security Strategy

2.4. conduct academic research and policy analysis, organise seminars and carry out information and communication activities in that field

2.5. inter alia contribute to the transatlantic dialogue

2.6. involve a network of exchanges with other research institutes and think-tanks both inside and outside the European Union

3. European Defence Agency

3.1. Development of defence capabilities in the field of crisis management.

3.2. Promotion and enhancement of European armaments cooperation.

3.3. Working to strengthen the Defence Technology and Industrial Base and for the creation of an internationally competitive European Defence Equipment Market.

3.4. For the creation of an internationally competitive European Defence Equipment Market.

3.5. Enhancement of the effectiveness of European Defence Research and Technology.

4. Helsinki Headline Goal

4.1. a military capability target set for 2003 during the December 1999 Helsinki European Council

4.1.1. with the aim of developing a future European Rapid Reaction Force

4.2. 1st of 2007 60,000 soldiers have been available for a possible European Rapid Reaction Force who are potentially deployable for at least a year.