TEDxAmsterdam 2010 overview

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TEDxAmsterdam 2010 overview por Mind Map: TEDxAmsterdam 2010  overview

1. Legend

1.1. Use the + and - icons to expand/collapse nodes

1.2. Hover over the circle with lines to read attached notes

1.3. The forward pointing arrow indicates a link associated with the node

1.4. Click and drag your mouse to move the entire map

2. Where?

2.1. Venue: Stadsschouwburg, on the Leidseplein, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

3. When?

3.1. Date: November 30th 2010

3.2. 9.00 - 21.00

4. The talks

4.1. see the talks below! :)

5. mindmaps

5.1. We had a wonderful event.

5.2. We will publish a layer over all the maps.

5.3. If you want to be kept informed please mail to: [email protected] and we will notify you when the maps are ready

5.4. Please visit hypershifters.com for more info mindmapping tools

5.5. Please visit livemindmapping.com for more info on mindmapping at events

5.6. Typo's will be fixed after the event

5.6.1. We will be adding for you Wunderlinks during the mapping session

5.6.2. they are random links - no personal meaning attached

5.6.3. will also be fixed later

6. meer info over mindmappen

6.1. Zelf leren mindmappen? Neem een kijkje op Academy of Minds

6.2. Meer info over mindmapping tools?

6.3. Meer info over mindmappen op events?