Francis Bacon Themes

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Francis Bacon Themes by Mind Map: Francis Bacon Themes

1. War

1.1. Perseus, Diomedes

1.2. Advertisement touching upon a Holy War

1.3. De Augmentis

1.4. Patrick - no proof that Bacon wanted a holy war, just wanted funding

1.5. Lampert, Lerner, White, Weinburger - Bacon wanted a holy war against Christianity

1.6. Lemmi - Bacon wanted a Holy War against the Turks

2. Politics

2.1. Sphinx, Acteon, Orpheus,

2.2. The Character of Julius and Augustus

2.3. A brief discourse on the happy union of England and Scotland

2.4. Controlling the imaginations of men

2.5. Letter to EofS

2.6. Pesic - Bacon always considers Politics in everything he does

2.7. White - the philosopher should be the head of the country

2.8. New Atlantis

3. Religion

3.1. Diomedes, Dionysus, Sirens, Pentheus, Orpheus, Prometheus

3.2. Providence

3.2.1. God's Providence or lack of Cosmogony

3.2.2. Providence of man - man's intellect as the seat of providence Prometheus

3.2.3. Protective care of God or Nature

3.3. Separation of Religion and Science

3.3.1. Civil Religion

3.4. Bacon an Atheist - Barbour, De Maistre, Lampert

3.5. Warhaft, Rossi, Briggs - Bacon totally religious

3.6. Minkov, Weeks, Innes - Civil Religion

3.7. De Augmentis censored in Italy by the Church

4. Methodology

4.1. Curiosity

4.1.1. Acteon and Pentheus

4.2. Experimentation

4.2.1. Ericithonius

4.3. Alchemists Suck

4.3.1. History of Dense and Rare

4.3.2. Atalanta

4.4. Valerius Terminus

4.5. The Sphinx, Prometheus

5. Prolongation of Life

5.1. Proserpina, Deucalion, Orpheus

5.2. Magnalia Naturae

5.3. History of Life and Death

5.4. Rees and Gaukroger - Not immortality

5.5. Paterson - Immortality through fame instead

5.6. Giglioni, Weeks, Smith - Yes for immortality

6. Morals

6.1. Sirens, Dionysus, Atalanta, Daedalus,

6.2. Patience

6.2.1. Orpheus

6.3. Studer - Danger of scientific advancement

6.4. Minkov + White - Science for the good of mankind

7. Esotericism

7.1. Cassandra, Letter to EofS, Preface

7.2. Simmulation and Disimmulation - Essays

7.3. Bacon is not Esoteric - Rossi, Lemmi, Lewis

7.4. Bacon is Esoteric -Weeks, Melzer, Anderson, Paterson, Lampert

8. Science

8.1. The Sphinx, Orpheus,

8.2. "Not a father of Science but a midwife of Modernity" - Rees

8.3. Rossi - "father of science"

9. Magic

9.1. Sphinx

9.2. Magnalia Naturae

9.3. Sylva Sylvarum - imagination

9.4. Rossi - represents the transition from magic to science

9.5. Weeks - Using science to achieve the goals of science

9.6. Henry - Bacon is very influenced by Magic

9.7. Persian Magic - Magic = Natural Philosophy. "Persian Magic is sublime wisdom" - De Augmentis

9.7.1. Bacon thinks Persian Magic is super fab, but contemporary magicians have the wrong methods

10. Matter

10.1. Cosmogony

10.1.1. Natural motion of the atom - appetite and instinct of the atom = matter theory Of Goodness and Goodness of Nature

10.1.2. Cupid, Coelum, Pan

10.1.3. Weeks, De Maistre - Bacon has an independent, unorthodox alternative to scripture

10.1.4. Dichotomy of origins

10.2. Nature Free & Nature Bound

10.2.1. Proteus,

10.2.2. Weeks - Death of nature free, make nature entirely nature bound

10.2.3. History of Dense and Rare, Sylva sylvarum - cube experiment

10.2.4. Magnalia Naturae

10.3. Torture of Nature Debate/ Feminisation of Nature

10.3.1. Merchant, Fox-Keller, Park, - Bacon is anti--feminist, advocated the rape of nature

10.3.2. Pesic, Vickers, Newman - Not the torture of nature