How to Improve Tfilla in our School?

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How to Improve Tfilla in our School? by Mind Map: How to Improve Tfilla in our School?

1. Include decorations, costumes, and an end of tfilla treat!!

2. Problems

2.1. Problem 1students are not interested

2.2. Problem 3

3. Action Points

3.1. Point 1

3.2. Make the Hagim special by focusing on learning specific tunes for the prayers that are specific for each Hag.

3.3. Have Student Lead, Culturally diverse Tfilla Options from different Edah around the world.

3.3.1. Have students share their favorite tunes

3.3.2. Ask Students to research their own cultural heritage and prepare tfilla segments.

3.3.3. One day each week, focus on one single prayer. Translate it, discuss it and make it meaningful to each student, so when they sing it everyday, they will feel a connection.

3.3.4. Students share their favorite tefiilah and research origins of the tefiilah

4. Ideas

4.1. Include movement into tefillah when possible

4.1.1. Use musical instruments

4.2. Using objects as metaphors can bring prayers to life for students for whom reading is not their favorite way to get information

5. Students think that the tunes that are being used during tefiilah are not inspiring them

6. Problem 2

6.1. Students don't understand what they are saying

7. Goals

7.1. Goal 1

7.1.1. Offer different kinds of tfilla yoga tfilla singing tfilla community tfilla meditation tfilla Art Tefillah

7.1.2. Goal 2to elevate spirituality