1. what are the PLACES where you can access shared items?
1.1. community pages
1.1.1. message board
1.1.2. wall
1.2. friend's pages
1.3. aggregators
1.3.1. rss readers
1.3.2. friendfeed?
1.3.3. browser add-on
1.4. bookmarking sites
1.4.1. social news
1.4.2. social bookmarking
1.5. social networks
1.6. email
1.7. IM
1.8. mobile
1.9. blogs
1.10. verbal
1.10.1. in person
1.10.2. on phone
1.11. intranet
1.12. wiki
2. what would you want TO DO when you receive a share?
2.1. view content
2.2. comment on content
2.2.1. rate it
2.2.2. explain it with more sources from personal knowledge
2.2.3. joke with it
2.3. share content with other(s)
2.3.1. see "sharing on the web" for more
2.4. reply
2.4.1. all
2.5. attach similar items to thread
2.6. edit content
2.6.1. track changes
2.7. research
2.7.1. go to source
2.7.2. go to similar items
2.8. archive
2.8.1. save
2.8.2. organiza
2.8.3. make public
2.8.4. make private
2.9. delete
2.10. change subscription settings
2.10.1. change frequency of notifications
2.10.2. create filter based on content based on source based on sender
2.10.3. unsubscribe
3. what is EXPECTED when you share something with someone?
3.1. A response
3.1.1. receive explanation
3.1.2. receive similar content
3.1.3. know what they thought of it
3.1.4. a joke
3.1.5. receive comments
3.2. To know that they've received it
3.3. To know that they've viewed the content
3.4. have them share it with others
3.4.1. track the path of the content
4. Link to original "Sharing on the web "(http://www.mindmeister.com/maps/show/6711822)
5. WHY have you chosen to receive shares?
5.1. know what friends are doing
5.2. connect with interest-community
5.3. be knowledgeable
5.4. keep up appearances
5.5. feel in the loop
5.6. self-affirmation
5.7. gain inspiration
5.8. meet new people
5.9. be entertained
5.10. know what others think of me
5.11. promote myself
5.12. be alerted to relevant opportunities
5.12.1. events
5.12.2. jobs
5.13. discover something new
5.14. bond
5.15. apathy
5.16. antipathy
5.17. love the publisher
5.17.1. be updated of what happens to publisher
5.17.2. access to VIP content feel special others to know you are special be the "go to" for VIP content
5.17.3. access to the latest content impatient a step ahead of everyone else
5.17.4. bond with publisher want publisher to know me want to know the publisher
5.17.5. be the expert blogger consultant
6. SUCCESS METRIC - What is expected by the publisher from users?
6.1. sharing the content with others
6.2. positive commenting about publisher
6.2.1. on flux
6.2.2. off flux
6.3. positive commenting about content
6.3.1. on flux
6.3.2. off flux
6.4. encouraging others to join community
6.4.1. other flux members
6.4.2. non-members
7. What is expected FROM publisher?
7.1. get updates on publisher
7.2. access to VIP content
7.3. access to latest content
7.4. recognition
7.4.1. as fans
7.4.2. as experts
7.4.3. as contributors
7.4.4. as biggest sharers