Eadlyn Schreave

English Final Project: Mind Map

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Eadlyn Schreave by Mind Map: Eadlyn Schreave

1. Kelsea Glynn from The Queen of the Tearling Trilogy

1.1. Queen, ruling over land of the Tearlings, 19, single and powerful

2. Hermine Granger from Harry Potter

2.1. Always around Harry, Ron and other boys, but she's smarter and quicker than them

3. Hard working and determined in and outside palace, gets down to the truth

4. Becomes queen of Illéa at 18

4.1. rules beside husband, but in total control

4.1.1. very powerful, helps the people

5. Making tough decisions about her personal life (marriage and love) and lives of others (government and laws)

6. daughter of America Singer and Maxon Schreave - famous parents, granddaughter of famous Queen Amberly

7. Belly Conklin from The Summer I Turned Pretty Series

7.1. Tough decision maker, benefiting herself and sometimes others

7.1.1. calling off wedding  with Jeremiah

8. Nancy Drew from The Nancy Drew Series

8.1. Always looking for clues and figuring out somebody's secrets. never giving up

9. Merry Owen from Longbow Girl

9.1. Famous parents, passed down from hundreds of generations, with memories and traditions

9.1.1. has longbow, passed down from many generations

10. surrounded by boys, The Selection and her brothers, but she's smarter and more powerful