Counter Monument

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Counter Monument by Mind Map: Counter Monument

1. To engage (and enrage) the community on a much deeper level.

2. What it not is...

2.1. Affirm the righteousness of a nations birth

2.2. Frozen in time

3. #1Critique on Counter Monuments

3.1. These fascist era monuments desensitize the meaning of the events and "bury them beneath national myths and explanations"

3.2. The monuments are just seen as "markers and base" that are desperately trying to get people to understand and connect to an event they never actually knew.

4. #2Meaning of the Hamburg Counter Monuments

4.1. Jochen Gerz devised a structure that disappeared over time in response to public participation.

4.2. As more and more names cover the tall lead column, it will gradually be lowered into the ground. Not only does it invite all people to be apart of the memory (whether with love or hate), it allows a community of people to come together and apart of the healing process.

5. #4 Meaning of Kassel "reflecting pool" Monument

5.1. Horst Hoheisel designed the new fountain as a mirror image of the old one, sunk beneath the old place in order to getting people thinking, question and penetrate the consciousness of the Kassel citizens and those who visit.

6. Germany as a nation, trying to built a just nation over past crimes. Monuments that forces memories, can be against their political agenda.

7. A state sponsored memorials often represent a "victimized nation" and remember only their own relationship to the events.

8. They refused the location suggested for the counter monument, they did not want it to be "tucked away" and unseen

9. It enable viewers to become more passive and forgetful, because they “do our memory work for us.”

10. Memorials might have unintended consequences that undermine the memories they were meant to preserve.

11. Self conscious memorial spaces conceived to challenge the very premises of their being

12. What it is...

12.1. Everchanging

12.2. Forces the passerby to become part of the memorial

13. #3Goal of the Monuments

13.1. Is be inclusive as a community, both victim and or perpetrator trying make sense of their country's past history. Helping them to reflect on the events in a more meaningful way.

13.2. To figure out a way to depart from the fascist tendencies that existed in most monuments and return it to the people and community that are seeking to have meaningful connections.

13.3. The designed to change over time, to create an awareness of something that is missing in order to provoking viewers to question, think, and connect more actively.

14. #5 Young's critic of memorials

14.1. Memorials are "big form that pretends to have a meaning, that sustains itself for eternity, that never changes over time, never evolves—it fixes history, it embalms or somehow stultifies it.”

15. The mounument will mark the end of generation