globalization in scotland

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globalization in scotland by Mind Map: globalization in scotland

1. religion

1.1. secular states

1.2. new religion knowledge

1.3. regigion changes

1.4. new religions creation

1.5. scope of religions

2. entretainment

2.1. movile devices

2.2. game consoles

2.3. tv series

2.4. books

3. study

3.1. online schools

3.2. online tutors

3.3. english Global language

4. music

4.1. indy music

4.2. rithm fisions

4.3. rememoration of clasic music

5. food

5.1. other countries food

5.2. fishion food

5.3. new culinary thecniques

6. variety of products

6.1. imported prioducts

6.2. export of wishkey