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Computer Hardware by Mind Map: Computer Hardware

1. Memory

1.1. Volatile memory

1.1.1. e.g.RAM[Random Access Memory] reside in a memory module inserted into memory slots

1.2. Non Volatile Memory

1.3. Memory Cache

1.3.1. Access Time

2. Storage

2.1. Holds Data,instructions and imformations

2.2. Storage Medium

2.3. Capacity

2.4. Storage Device

2.5. T^T

3. Flash Memory

3.1. SSD

4. Power Supply

4.1. Coverts AC power to

5. Components of Computers

5.1. Input Devices

5.2. Output devices

5.3. System Unit

5.3.1. Drive Bay

5.3.2. Power suply

5.3.3. Sound Card

5.3.4. Video Card

5.3.5. Processor Arithemic Logic unit Control Unit

5.3.6. Memory

5.3.7. Motherboard

5.4. Storage Devices

5.5. Communications Device

6. Data Representation

6.1. Analog Signals

6.2. Digital Signals

7. Hard disk

7.1. can store data using longitudinal Recording or perpendicular Recording

7.2. Characteristic

7.2.1. Capacity

7.2.2. Platter

7.2.3. Read /Write Head

7.2.4. Cyclinder 0

7.2.5. Sector and Track

7.2.6. Revolutions per Minitue/m

7.2.7. Transfer Rate

7.2.8. Access time

7.3. Always Keep A backup e.gMirrored Hard Disk