Ve Products

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Ve Products by Mind Map: Ve Products

1. Advertising

1.1. Ads prospecting

1.1.1. CRM onboarding

1.2. Ads retargeting

1.3. Ads campaign manager

1.4. Ads creative manager

1.5. Ads server

2. Onsite

2.1. VePanel

2.1.1. Promotional messaging

2.1.2. Search assistance

2.1.3. Browsing history

2.1.4. Product bookmarking

2.1.5. Recommended product

2.1.6. Social sharing

2.1.7. Surveys

2.1.8. VeLeads

3. Remarketing

3.1. Remarketing engine

3.2. Email prospecting

3.3. Basket recovery

4. Management

4.1. Self service platform

4.2. Enterprise platform

4.3. Developer portal

4.4. Visitor transparency portal

4.5. VeConfig

4.6. VeTrader

4.7. VeERP

4.8. Tag manager

5. Initiatives

5.1. Partner reporting

5.2. Carts integrations

5.3. Mobile opportunities

5.4. Publisher native integration

5.5. HealthCheck

6. Marketing products

6.1. Investors maps

6.2. Shop grader

6.3. VeCompliance

7. Technologies

7.1. Recommendation engine

7.2. Reporting stack

7.3. Resources

7.4. VeTag

7.4.1. Onsite data collection

7.4.2. VePixel technology

8. Reporting

8.1. Events tracking engine

8.2. Datalake

8.3. Trackback

8.4. Alerts and monitoring

8.5. Invoicing

9. Services

9.1. Audience manager

9.2. Campaign manager

9.3. Creative manager

9.4. Shop manager

9.4.1. Brand asset manager

9.4.2. Merchants settings

9.4.3. Product feed connector

9.4.4. Promocodes

9.5. Product page classifier

9.6. Pushed content engine

9.6.1. Email delivery engine

9.6.2. SMS

9.6.3. Push notifications

9.7. VeBot

9.8. Account and user provisioning

10. Resources

10.1. Products database

10.2. Data Management Platform

10.3. Visitors database

10.4. e-shops repository