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Chelsea by Mind Map: Chelsea

1. successful intelligence

1.1. higher

1.1.1. creative skills

1.2. middle

1.2.1. analytical skills

1.3. lower

1.3.1. practical skills

2. interesets

2.1. singing

2.2. guitar playing

2.3. song writing

2.4. listening to dope music

2.5. math

2.6. making dank memes

3. intelligences

3.1. higher

3.1.1. musical

3.1.2. logical-mathematical

3.1.3. visual-spatial

3.2. middle

3.2.1. verbal-linguistic

3.2.2. bodily-kinesthetic

3.2.3. interpersonal

3.3. lower

3.3.1. naturalistic

3.3.2. intrapsonal

4. emotional intelligence

4.1. average emotional intelligence

4.1.1. Project specifications

4.1.2. End User requirements

4.1.3. Action points sign-off

5. psychological preferences

5.1. higher

5.1.1. evening

5.2. moderate

5.2.1. modility

5.2.2. late afternoon

5.2.3. early morning

5.3. lower

5.3.1. intake

5.3.2. late morning/ early afternoon

6. personality spectrum

6.1. higher

6.1.1. adventurer

6.1.2. giver

6.2. lower

6.2.1. thinker

6.2.2. organizer

7. O*Net

7.1. higher

7.1.1. artistic

7.1.2. investigative

7.2. medium

7.2.1. social

7.2.2. enterprising

7.3. lower

7.3.1. realistic

7.3.2. conventional

8. teaching style

8.1. individual

8.2. small groups

8.3. seating

8.4. moderate sounds

9. study strategies

9.1. early morning

9.2. visual picture

9.3. late night

9.4. by myself