Landing pages to generate leads

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Landing pages to generate leads by Mind Map: Landing pages to generate leads

1. Deliverables

1.1. CREATED 5 relevant posts on Facebook

1.2. 2 Landing page versions

1.3. Care Careers Ebook

2. HOW?

2.1. CREATED 5 relevant posts on Facebook

2.2. Create Facebook ads to take audience to the landing pages - 5 test ads were run for 5 days

2.2.1. Target by location 20km radius from training locations - aged 25-45, excluding industries, Excluded: Interests: Law, Job title: Advertising Director, Lawyer, Accountant, Advertising Executive, Advertising Assistant or Manager, Industry: IT and technical, Legal, Business and financial operations, Arts, entertainment, sport and media, Architecture and engineering, Construction and extraction, Production, Installation and repair, Computers and mathematics, Military, Transport and moving, Veterans (US) or Government Employees Edit

2.2.2. Craigieburn (+20 km), Footscray (+20 km), Lalor (+20 km), Noble Park (+20 km), St Albans (+20 km), Springvale (+20 km), Werribee (+20 km)

2.3. Capture landing page visitors who only visited by didn't fill out the form -->remarket to these 'who initially shown interest in the eBook offer' audience --> tracking pixel is in place.

2.3.1. Capture landing page visitors who only visited by didn't fill out the form -->remarket to these 'who initially shown interest in the eBook offer' audience

3. Goals

3.1. Generate awareness about Guidestar: through Facebook ad impressions

3.2. Generate leads through the landing pages: (results to date: 181 site visits & 5 leads)

3.3. Allow staff to follow up with leads either by phone or email

4. Problems & Solutions

4.1. Lack of 'perfect audience' characteristics to best maximise results

4.2. Facebook fans are small - we can't create 'Lookalike' - lookalike audience are those who have similar characteristics of your perfect target students. Facebook will use its audience network to deliver the ads to audience similar to your fans. This can be done by importing your current/past student email address to directly advertise to the

4.3. SOLUTIONS: 1. Develop your target students personas eg nationalities; languages, cultural characteristics that can be targeted on Facebook. 2: Grow Facebook fan base by promoting the page to current & past students; 3: Create more relevant posts on Facebook and promote these posts to reach target students; 4: Improve landing pages eg use images that reflect your students personas eg nationalities; 5: keep improving ad copy to attract more clicks to the landing pages