Revised Assessment

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Revised Assessment by Mind Map: Revised Assessment

1. Teacher

1.1. Orgnanise to understand the students prior knowledge.

1.2. schedule be clear with the big picture, take into account learning styles

1.3. analyse and report, give time to give feedback, self assess, peer assess.

1.4. bookwork

1.5. technology, the different ways that we can capture the evidence of learning, analyse and report about it

1.6. support and guidance from the school to work through curriculum to specify what is going to be taught? What the students know? Aligns with the school.

1.7. Different types of assessment that will give a clear understanding of what the student know or to give you more detail about their currently knowledge. Formative, summative, tools and strategies used

2. Student

2.1. Show and share what they have learnt

2.2. To be able to show learning through a variety of means. To work individually or collaboratively, to show learning styles

2.3. ponder, wonder to have fun in class, to be able to share ideas and learning within and out of the classroom setting. To be able to inquire and continue learning

2.4. communication with the class, the teacher and parents. To be able to have time to reflect, react and understand.

2.5. Demonstrate a variety of  knowledge and conceptual understanding and a range of skills

2.6. To understand and acknowledge what is expected of them.

3. Classroom

3.1. An environment that allows the students to learn to their best abilities

3.2. That takes into account a range of learning styles and uniqueness of individual learners

3.3. To encourage and support inquiry based learning

3.4. To be supportive, informative and a curious place for students to learn in

3.5. That has evidence of the PYP and school philosophies around, so students can see what they are working towards. To be apart of the school community

3.6. To have places where students can chillax, relax and reflect.

4. Home/other

4.1. See evidence of learning and development

4.2. Develop an understanding of students progress

4.3. provide opportunities to support and celebrate

4.4. To be able to understand what is going on in their child's life and how they can provide positive encouragement and learning at home.