TEDxAms2010 - 9. Alban Wesly and Calefax - A musical invention
by World of Minds
1. Alban Wesly and Calefax
1.1. Reed quintet
1.2. Based in Amsterdam
2. Back to overview map
3. composer
3.1. music
3.1.1. orchestra
3.1.2. quartet
3.1.3. liberating themselves
3.2. all kinds of instruments
3.2.1. possibilities
3.2.2. 5 root instruments limit themselves
3.2.3. reed quintet
4. 25 years a musicians
4.1. pretty long
4.2. not so long in history
4.3. start with renaissance
5. music college
5.1. tour world with a quintet
5.1.1. doesn't work
5.1.2. not profitable enough
5.1.3. proof the teacher wrong