Units Grade 7

Unit One Grade Eight ICT

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Units Grade 7 by Mind Map: Units Grade 7

1. Data Analysis

1.1. Looking At Data-Gapminder Desktop

1.1.1. Lesson One Gapminder Desktop

1.1.2. Lesson Two Gapminder Explorations

1.2. Collecting Data Google Form

1.3. Using Data Tools Google Tables

1.4. Using Data Tools Tinkerplot

1.5. Data Analysis and Infographic Development

2. Programming

2.1. Introduction/Coordinate Faces

2.2. Line Art

2.3. Animation Project


3.1. introduce the blogging cycle

3.2. Diigo accounts and useage

3.3. Reading from G News

3.3.1. Highlight Using Diigo

3.3.2. Who, What, When, Where

3.3.3. Weekly blog post based on this

4. Setup Tools

4.1. Diigo Student Accounts

4.2. blog for students

4.3. blog for grade 8

4.4. setup class blogs

4.4.1. add new classmates

4.5. moodle class setup

4.6. Avatars

4.6.1. gravatar

4.6.2. moodle

4.6.3. google folder

4.7. Setup folders and P Drive

5. Video

5.1. Intro to Storyboarding-Develop these nodes into lesson plan

5.1.1. Use the youtube commercial on the egg. Se the whole thing in terms of a real world context butter Have students do a Storyboard (making an omelet) look at the video take a five sec segment segment segment using http://snipsnip.it ot http://www.tubechop.com/ Sotryboard based on the segemtn

5.1.2. Storyboard the locker

5.2. video the locker

5.3. create the locker video

6. Computer applications and systems require that you can create, use and modify accounts.

6.1. How can you create user accounts? How can you manage person manage your personal information

7. Privacy, online safety, facebook think before you post copyright

8. Search