KIN Knowledge Retention and Transfer

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KIN Knowledge Retention and Transfer by Mind Map: KIN Knowledge Retention and Transfer

1. Techniques

1.1. Knowledge Elicitation and facilitation skills, (including preparing candidates, raised by Nancy Kinder, Cadbury Kraft)

1.2. Expert to Novice transfer (raised by Jen Webster, HSE)

1.3. Knowledge packaging

1.4. Prioritisation

1.5. Identifying Knowledge Domains or Lenses

1.6. Identifying knowledge recipients/owners

1.7. 'Transfer' when there is no recipient

1.8. Batton passing

1.9. 'An Audience With'

1.10. AAR / Project Retrospects

1.11. Knowledge transfer action planning

1.12. Packaging for re-use

1.13. Network mapping

1.14. Video techniques for knowledge capture (Raised by Margaret Demian, NHSI)

1.15. Elicitation note-taking and Mindmapping

2. Tools

2.1. Prioritisation (flow charts)

2.1.1. Prioritising Individuals

2.1.2. Prioritising Expertise

2.1.3. Prioritising Knowledge 'Domains'

2.2. Self-help tools for knowledge transfer (raised bt Nancy Kinder, Cadbury Kraft)

2.3. Interview tools

2.3.1. Audio

2.3.2. Video

2.3.3. Mixed media (Quindi, Soundnote etc)

2.3.4. Mindmapping

2.4. Questionnaires and Surveys

2.5. Network Mapping

3. Leavers

3.1. Early Retirement Programme

3.2. Redundancy Programme

3.3. Very large scale KRT

3.4. Individuals with unique knowledge 'at risk'

3.5. KRT and succession planning (inc HR's role in KRT)

3.6. Very senior knowledge handovers

4. Movers or Joiners

4.1. Improving 'time to contribution'

4.2. Knowledge transfer across the whole employee lifecycle

4.3. Top leader transitions

5. KRT Measurement

5.1. Knowledge Risk Analysis

5.2. Measuring the effort, cost, impact and benefit

5.3. Benchmarking /KRT Maturity Model

5.4. Convincing senior people that KRT is cost efecive and important