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Assessments by Mind Map: Assessments

1. Formative Assessments

1.1. Definition

1.1.1. The Process of gathering evidence of student learning

1.2. Characterstics

1.2.1. Evidences of students learning

1.2.2. Structure

1.2.3. Participants involved feedback

1.2.4. Instruction adjustments

1.3. Cycle

1.3.1. Gather evidence of learning

1.3.2. Evaluation evidence

1.3.3. Feedback

1.3.4. Adjust instruction

1.4. Types of formal Formative Assesment

1.4.1. Structured exercise

1.4.2. Pretests

1.4.3. Homework

1.4.4. In class assignments

1.4.5. Quizzes and Unit tests

1.4.6. Classroom Response Systems

1.5. Types of Informal Assessment

1.5.1. Informal observations

1.5.2. Questioning

1.5.3. Spontaneous

1.5.4. Immediate feedback and instructional adjustments

2. Summative Assessments

2.1. Definition

2.1.1. The evaluation of the students learning at the end of an instructional unit.

2.2. Planing Summative Assesments

2.2.1. End of a large chunk of learning

2.2.2. Review what you want to do

2.2.3. Criteria for ensuring high-quality assessments

2.2.4. Representative sampling

2.2.5. Standardized testing, final exams, major cumulative projects, research projects, etc.

2.3. Preparing students

2.3.1. Teach assessment taking skills

2.3.2. Test length, format, types of questions, etc.

2.3.3. Review

2.4. Creating Summative Assesments

2.4.1. Assessment Directions

2.4.2. Arrange Items

2.4.3. Physical Layout

2.5. Types of Summative Assesments

2.5.1. State-mandated assessments

2.5.2. End of unit or chapter test

2.5.3. End of 6 week exams or end of term

2.5.4. Student report cards