Ignite Hope Connections

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Ignite Hope Connections by Mind Map: Ignite Hope Connections

1. Map Key

1.1. Partnered with Organization

1.2. Significant Connection

1.3. Significant Ignite Hope Milestone

1.4. God's Miracles

2. January

2.1. Connected with YouVersion

2.2. Callie Sue Join's our team as Content Manager

2.3. Started 12 month Ministry Ventures Training program

2.4. Our first Vision Cast- Barrett Johnson office

3. March

3.1. First Ignite Hope prayer team deployed

3.2. First YouVersion devotional went live

3.3. Met with Jay Artzen with Saving Susan ministry

3.4. 501c3 paperwork arrived just 7 days after filing

3.5. Ignite Hope established with 5 Board members

4. May

4.1. Attended CAFO,

4.2. Met with Patch our planet

4.3. Jacqui Connected with an adoptee panel.

4.4. Connected with mentor Phillip Aspegren costa-rica

4.5. Connected with Andrew Schneidler-Refresh Conference.

4.6. Met with Mike from Confessions of an Adoptive parent.

4.7. #6 and #7 board members added to Ignite Hope.

4.8. Ignite Hope met with Gavin Adams of Woodstock City church to share vision- he connected us with Lesli reece of Fostering Together.

4.9. Jacqui meets with Lesli Reece of Fostering together to share ministry vision, she liked our fostering devotional and asks to use it as required reading for their foster families

4.10. Ignite Hope Fostering devotional goes live May 2nd.

4.11. Ignite Hope Fostering devotional reaches 10,000 readers in 20 days.

5. February

5.1. Attended Created for Care Conference

5.2. Published blog on Facebook that caught attention of C4C Founder Andrea Young

5.3. Jacqui joined Adoptive mommy group to connect with needs of other families

6. April

6.1. Launched first Capital campaign for Ignite Hope- Goal $2300 for CAFO expenses

6.2. First Campaign goal met in 3 weeks

6.3. Second Ignite Hope prayer team deployed

6.4. Connected with Dr. Paul Lopez through Ike, Dr. Lopez is an excellent business man to help us develop a business plan, he donated $700.

6.5. Dr. Lopez invited us as a special guest to the TIE conference. Entrepreneurial con.

6.6. Ike invited Jacqui to Women in ministry luncheon key speaker was Lisa Allen from Prov 31 ministries. Call her when we are ready to publish.

6.7. Submitted Ignite Hope's first Grant thru Bennett Thrasher

6.8. Jacqui was asked to be a presenter at C4C in 2017.

6.9. Jacqui met with Daniel Cowan candidate for congress. Established relationship for future.

7. June

7.1. Jeff and Jacqui meet with Lesli Reece of Fostering together and we are asked if we would like to be the Prayer warriors for all of Woodstock city's foster families.- We accepted

7.2. John McCartin set up a meeting with iDisciple Coo Hal White, he offers to make a call to Sealy Yates a big publisher in Christian circles

7.3. We meet with George Saffo the content manager at iDisciple, he loves our work and wants us to get 11 more pieces of content so we can be up on their site.