Blue Bowl by Jane Kenyon
by Sean McHugh
1. Personal Connection to Theme
2. Universality of Theme
3. Why poetry?
4. Evidence
4.1. Word choice
4.1.1. -list of day to day tasks
4.2. Imagery
4.2.1. -primitive burial -robin
4.3. Sound
4.3.1. -internal rhyme, lots of internal rhyme: bowl, hole, toes, noes. "Oh" sound is significant.
4.4. Structure
4.4.1. -shift in the middle out of story of poem
5. Meaning
5.1. Surface
5.1.1. This is a poem about burying a beloved pet and feeling sad.
5.2. Deeper
5.2.1. This poem is really about the feelings we all experience and we try to cope with loss.